Outdoor Activities for Seniors

When it comes to having fun and enjoying life, age is nothing more than a number. Whether you’re an older adult or a senior citizen, there are plenty of amazing things you can do to enjoy the great outdoors and make the most of your free time. From adventurous excursions to creative projects, here is a list of outdoor activities for seniors that you’ll absolutely love.

Outdoor Activities for Seniors: Gardening

Gardening can be as easy as having a few potted veggies on the porch or an entire plot in the backyard. It’s also one of the very best outdoor activities for seniors, no question. Here are a few ways to set up a garden every senior (and the rest of the family) will enjoy.

  1. Ensure the spot you choose to set up your garden gets at least 6 to 8 hours of sun every day.
  2. Make sure you have a water source close. Carrying water, or purchasing an extra-long hose, is no fun.
  3. Raise the garden bed if possible so that bending and kneeling are decreased.
  4. Try vertical gardening if possible. It uses less space, and kneeling and stooping are eliminated.
  5. Purchase a stool so you can sit while you garden. (It’s much more comfortable.)
Outdoor Activities for Seniors

Don’t Knock It Before You Try It: Walking

Walking is, in two words, very healthy. In fact, it’s one of the most beneficial forms of outdoor exercise for seniors. Below are a few of the incredible health benefits walking provides:

  • It’s 100% free to do almost anywhere.
  • It improves heart health.
  • Walking is a great mood booster.
  • Walking strengthens bones and muscles.
  • It can significantly improve your sleep.
  • It slows down the aging process in the brain.
  • Walking helps your body fight diseases.
Outdoor Activities for Seniors

Outdoor Activities for Seniors: Bird Watching

Bird watching is a great hobby and also one of the top outdoor activities for seniors. Of course, it helps to have some birds to watch. (Watching the empty sky can get a little boring.) Some of the best places to see lots of birds include:

  • Your backyard. Depending on where you live, there are likely to be several species of interesting birds to see! If you want to see more, hang a bird feeder or set up a birdbath in your yard.
  • In your local park. This is especially true in a bigger city as the park is a haven for birds.
  • In the forest. Many different species of bird live there, including amazing owls.
  • If you live near the coast, the marsh is an excellent place for some exotic bird species like the Blue Heron.

It’s best to check and see if your area has a birding club. (Most do.) Also, many birds are more active in the morning. Lastly, remember to invest in a good set of binoculars, also.

Outdoor Activities for Seniors

Outdoor Theatre and Music is as Wonderful as it Sounds

Watching movies or listening to music at home is OK, but watching and listening outdoors is so much better!

  • You’ll get out of the house for a change, which is always nice.
  • Being in nature and listening to music is incredibly soothing for the mind, body, and soul.
  • You might meet some new and interesting people, and maybe make a new friend or two.
  • The air is fresh, and the aromas, especially in a park or outdoor theatre, can be intoxicating.
  • You can bring food and make it a picnic!

Outdoor Activities for Seniors: Picking Fruit

Fresh fruit is incredibly healthy no matter your age. It’s also one of the best outdoor activities for seniors for several reasons:

  • You get to be outside in the sun, breathing in the fresh air.
  • It’s moderate exercise and movement, which is always a good thing.
  • You know the fruit is super-fresh!

Outdoor Activities for Seniors: Craft Shows

Crafting is a huge hobby in the United States, and seniors can find craft shows almost everywhere. Here are a few reasons why they’re also one of the top outdoor activities for seniors:

  • You get to be outside, walking and getting some exercise.
  • You’ll find plenty of bargains.
  • You can meet new people.
  • Some of the crafts are absolutely adorable, functional, attractive, etc.

Outdoor Activities for Seniors: Classic Picnic Lunch

Picnics in the park, the beach or at the lake can be wonderful, it’s true. The big question for most, though, is what to pack to make them perfect. Below are a few suggestions:

  • Sandwiches of any kind, as they’re easy to eat when sitting on the grass or a park bench. Wraps are also just as good and even easier to eat without making a mess.
  • Any type of salad. (Bring the dressing to put on right before eating, so the salad doesn’t get soggy.)
  • A dessert that doesn’t require utensils to eat. (Cookies, chocolate, etc.)
  • Bottled or canned drinks, which don’t require cups or glasses.

Brought to You By HideAway Storage

We hope that you enjoyed this list of outdoor activities for seniors. From adventurous excursions to creative projects, there’s nothing holding you back from living your best life. If you need extra storage along the way, HideAway Self Storage is here to help! Take care, and happy hobbying!

This post was published on July 2, 20219. It was updated on March 10, 2021.